"The Ties That Bind" (R5x48) 5/5C Eoghan McDowell 2019 1--4 : 2c with 1M and 3M dance tandem half LSh reel of three on the men's side (2M giving LSh to 3M to start and 2L chasing 2M) WHILE 4c with 3L and 5L dance tandem half LSh reel of three on the ladies' side (4L giving LSh to 3L to start with 4M chasing 4L) 2c and 4c end bar 4 crossing the centre line to flow into 5--8 : 2c with 1L and 5L dance tandem half LSh reel of three on the ladies' side (2M giving LSh to 1L to start and 2L chasing 2M) WHILE 4c with 1M and 5M dance tandem half LSh reel of three on the men's side (4L giving LSh to 5M to start with 4M chasing 4L) 2c and 4c finish back to back in the centre facing their first corner positions (2M facing 1L, 2L facing 3M, 4M facing 3L, 4L facing 5M) 9--16: 2c and 4c dance hello-goodbye setting with the following additions for 1s, 3s and 5s: 11--12: 1L and 5M (in third place) change places with pas-de-basque steps, passing by the left shoulder 15--16: 3M and 5L, 1L and 5M, 1M and 3L (in first, third and fifth places) set advancing passing left shoulder and rotating one quarter, to finish left shoulder to left shoulder facing up and down 17--24: 5L and 3M, 5M and 1L, 3L and 1M dance "interlocking ladies' chain"*: 17--18: 5L with 1L, 5M with 1M cross by the right hand WHILE 3M and 3L dance across to the opposite place 19--20: 3M with 1L, 5M with 3L (in first and fifth places) turn halfway by the left hand WHILE 5L with 1M (in third place) turn by the left hand once round 21--22: 1L with 1M, 5L with 5M cross by the right hand WHILE 3M and 3L dance across to the opposite place 23--24: 3M with 1M, 1L with 5M, 5L with 3L turn halfway by the left hand to sidelines [to order (1M+3M)2(5M+1L)4(3L+5L)] 25--32: all dance "crossed heart": 25--28: 2c and 4c dance the first half of the figure of love (2M and 4L passing RSh in bars 25--26) WHILE 1M + 2c + 1L dance half a diagonal LSh reel of four along first diagonal (2M giving LSh to 1L, 2L giving LSh to 1M to start) WHILE 5M + 4c + 5L dance half a diagonal LSh reel of four along first diagonal (4M giving LSh to 5L, 4L giving LSh to 5M to start) [to order (1L+3M)(2x)(5L+1M)(4x)(3L+5M)] 29--32: 2c and 4c dance the second half of the figure of love WHILE 3M + 2c + 5L dance half a diagonal LSh reel of four along second diagonal (2M giving LSh to 3L, 2L giving LSh to 1M to start) WHILE 1M + 4c + 3L dance half a diagonal LSh reel of four along second diagonal (4M giving LSh to 1M, 4L giving LSh to 3L to start) [to order (1L+5L)234(1M+5M); 5L and 3L end facing up, 3M and 1M end facing down] 33--40: 1L and 5L, 3c, 1M and 5M dance "interlocking ladies' chain"*: 33--34: 1L with 3L, 3M with 5M cross by the right hand WHILE 5L and 1M dance across to the opposite place 35--36: 5L with 3L, 3M with 1M (in first and fifth places) turn halfway by the left hand WHILE 1L with 5M (in third place) turn by the left hand once round 37--38: 3L with 5M, 1L with 3M cross by the right hand WHILE 5L and 1M dance across to the opposite place 39--40: 5c, 3c, 1c turn halfway by the left hand [to order 52341] 41--44: 2c and 4c dance down the middle 45--48: 2c and 4c dance back up the middle to third and fifth places, 3c stepping down on bars 47--48 WHILE 1c cast up to second place [to order 51234] *idea for this figure: two ladies' chains are danced (up and down) simultaneously, with an extra half turn for the dancers in third place in bars 3--4 of the phrase