"Snakes and Ladders" (R4x32) 4/4C Eoghan McDowell 2018 1-4 : 1L+2L+3M+4M half diagonal rights & lefts (1L+3M, 2L+4M crossing diagonally to start); 5-6 : all set; 7-8 : men dance half right hands across WHILE ladies dance half left hands across, all remaining in the middle of the set and retaining hands; 9-12: ladies continue left hands across until they meet their partner (in the centre of the set), when they join nearer hands with them WHILE men right hands across; 13-16: all continue right hands across as couples until they reach the centre of the set (facing men's side), when man releases right hand and lady gives left hand to the ladies ahead of her to begin left hands across as couples (in the bottom half of the set); 17-20: all continue left hands across as couples until they reach the centre of the set (facing men's side), when man releases left hand and gives right hand to the men ahead of him to dance right hands across with men (in the top half of the set) WHILE lady finishes left hands across with ladies, all ending on sidelines (3M,4M,4L,3L on the men's side, 2M,1M,1L,2L on the ladies' side); 21-24: 1M+2M+3L+4L half diagonal rights & lefts (2M+4L, 1M+3L crossing diagonally to start), finishing in order 3412; 25-28: 1s+4s set and link, finishing in order 3142; 29-32: 2s+3s pivot turn. Note that when transitioning from a hands across on the inside path to the outside path (ladies on bars 9-12, men on bars 13-16) the dancers will need to increase (approximately double) their pace, and conversely when transitioning from the outside path to the inside path (ladies on bars 13-16, men on bars 17-20) the dancers will need to decrease (approximately halve) their pace.