"Associativity" (R3x40) 3/3C Eoghan McDowell 2020 1--4 : 1c long cast to second place (2c stepping up on bars 3--4) 5--8 : 1c dance around each other right shoulder to face own side, twirling by pulling right shoulder back on bars 7--8 9--16: all dance RSh reels of three on own sides, 1M giving RSh to 2M, 1L giving RSh to 3L to start (1c finish facing out on own sides in second place) 17--20: 2c+1c dance half a double figure of eight, 1c casting up and 2c crossing down to start 21--24: 1c+3c dance half a double figure of eight, 1c casting down and 3c crossing up to start (1c finish facing in on own sides in second place) 25--32: 1c set, petronella turn, set, petronella turn (finishing in order 2x1x3x) 33--36: all dance back-to-back 37--40: all chase halfway clockwise to order 312